Peaceful Schooling
Healthy and repaired schools without unwellness
The core of the cultural activities should come from the residents and local communities
Violence-free and safe Vantaa for all
Peaceful Schooling
School is a place where children and young people build the basic pillars of life. We are taught to write and read, various subjects, and other useful life skills. Learning time is also sensitive and should be fully protected. Every child and young person should have access to a local school and school peace – and that is what I stand for.
What is School Peace?
When children and young people aren’t bullied in schools or in school environments, when a young person in need gets help quickly, when pupils have a local school without indoor air problems and when young people have the opportunity to fulfil themselves – then we have achieved school peace. We have to work hard for this. For me, school peace is an important goal. Growing up in Vantaa schools, experiencing school bullying and seeing grievances – I am ready to put the cat on the table.
At school, the individual learning of students should be looked after. Not everyone is in the same situation, neither in school nor in working life. The physical school building should be unobstructed, close to young people and free from any detrimental factors such as poor indoor air. The future of young people cannot be measured in money, but we do know from research that the exclusion of young people is a costly bill for society. The school should also be a place where children and young people are not bullied. Fulfilling compulsory education cannot require a young person to live in a nightmare. Many young people are struggling with bad feelings. It can have its roots in family, hobbies, or loneliness. However, feeling unwell can’t be resolved in the form of mental or physical violence against another young person. Disadvantaged young people should be helped multidisciplinary by professionals from health, education, child protection and youth work. These services should also be secured and developed with sufficient financial resources.
Not all school peace goals are being met in Vantaa. I want to fight for school peace and that is why I am applying to the city council.
Vantaa’s youth – the future is built today!
- Our youth should be guaranteed their needed services with a low threshold.
- The queues for youth mental health and social and health services should be dismantled so that help is available quickly.
- Mental health skills should be taught in schools to teachers and students.
- Dialogue and emotional skills should be taught at an early stage at school.
- The cycle of youth unwellness should be broken by providing necessary help
- Funding for youth work should not be compromised!
- With the extension of compulsory education, support services and student care should also be put in order.
- Vantaa owns it’s vocational school, Varia. The possibility of full-time training for vocational students (amis) must be secured, without further cuts and free secondary education must be genuinely realized.
- Free high school education books, equipment, and materials should be available to every young person.
- Investment in municipal education and employment services so that those with special needs are not marginalized: Ohjaamo, TE, curators.
- The neighborhood school principle – every child and young person should find a school close by.
- High-quality study guidance and working life guidance should be available at a low threshold
Stop the school violence!
- Work against school bullying and violence should be implemented effectively. I promise to call for this as a matter of high priority.
- A victim of school violence should not change schools.
- Parents as well as a multi-professional group should work together to solve the bullying issues with the schools.
- Identifying the problems of KiVa schools and finding solutions to them
- Expanding curatorial activities to early childhood education
- Psychological services for early childhood education
Schools in shape – healthy indoor air and classrooms
- Our schools should be repaired as soon as possible as per the guidance of professionals.
- Transparency in research results in Vantaa
- Students’ resilience must be safeguarded
- The well-being of teachers at work must be safeguarded
In addition to the municipality’s statutory duties, education and healthcare, it is important to ensure the comfort of the residents. It is not required by any law, but it is all the more important from the perspective of well-being. Cultural services are a sign of an active and vivid municipality. A couple of ideas on how I would promote and further develop cultural activities in Vantaa.
I am a culture producer (UAS) and I have promoted culture and art matters for many years. I am currently in the board of Trade Union for Art and Culture Professionals TAKU and in the municipal sector neuvottelukunta of Akava Special Branches. In addition, I am developing my skills in the Master’s program of Cultures and Communities in a Changing World at the University of Jyväskylä.
The core of cultural activities starts with community. Vantaa must be a pioneer in enabling the event production industry. We should encourage organizing both big and small festivals in Vantaa. Corona has badly suppressed the cultural and event industry. Many players in the sector have had to close down as restrictions become more stringent.
Cultural grants for Vantaa artists and producers are a significant source for the artists themselves, but an important incentive for the city to produce urban culture. Cultural grants must not be compromised.
Comfort is important. In addition to culture, outdoor activities, reservations for sports facilities and other physical activity opportunities must be constantly developed. I also emphasize the importance of community spaces and cooperation. These significant actions promote well-being and prevent the risk of social exclusion. No young, adult or elderly person should be left alone, and this is prevented, for example, by community services and facilities where they meet others on a low-threshold. Every person is important.
Vantaa is a multicultural municipality. Culture doesn’t only mean a show at the stage, rather the real richness of culture is found in our inhabitants. It is extremely important to take into account the individual needs of residents in a multilingual way by offering the widest possible opportunities to receive basic services in their own native language and by lowering the threshold to learn Finnish. Instead of confrontation, we should create an open and dialogic culture in Vantaa. This is also influenced by housing-related solutions and education.
I have been practising religious and cultural dialogue for a long time. The purpose of the dialogue is to find a common position from different perspectives of the worldview in order to advance common interest. I currently serve on the Ethnic Relations Advisory Board (ETNO) under the Ministry of Justice and on the KAICIID Fellows International Dialogue Program. I believe that my extensive expertise will be useful in decision-making in Vantaa, in promoting equality, peace and security in our beloved municipality.
- In addition to longer-term cultural producers, Vantaa should also support new producers and creators annually.
- The pursuit of art and culture has been found to be a factor in increasing well-being, which, being low-threshold and accessible to all, prevents exclusion and increases intellectual capital.
- There should be a wide range of activities around Vantaa and the core of the culture, should be resident-oriented. The greatest benefit from culture has been obtained from those projects that have had long-term funding.
- The commitment to sustainable development, non-violence, anti-racism, accessibility and the principles of promoting equality and equity for all people must be added to Vantaa’s general organizational grants.
Urban culture
- Urban culture is developed in a resident-oriented way together with the local actors: meals at a common table, district associations and clubs.
- Continental European development of restaurants, cafes and bakeries into shopping malls and suburbs: literary districts, cultural salons.
- Enabling the use of urban space, without cumbersome bureaucracy. Examples are Cleaning Day and Park Fleamarket
- Developing the cultural environment of Kirkonkylä in the parish of Helsinki as an attractive tourist destination with its services and events: Medieval Days, BRQ Vantaa Festival.
- More attention should be paid to maintaining the condition of the premises and prioritizing the cleanliness of the environment.
- Providing recreational opportunities for everyone
- In addition to the promotion of culture, outdoor sports venues, reservations for sports facilities and other opportunities for physical activity must be continuously developed, also in remote areas of the city.
Multicultural and interactive Vantaa
- Promoting ethnic relations and promoting dialogue through food culture, cultural festivals, discussions and cooperation.
- It is possible to learn both Finnish and one’s native language. It also creates a framework for foreign speakers to participate and be heard in city decision-making.
- Prevent regional segregation and build a city for safe living and enjoyment.
- No hate speech!
- Information needs to be increased in a multilingual way to ensure access to basic services.
Safety and Security
A safe home municipality is in everyone’s best interest. In addition to law enforcement, decision-makers are responsible for ensuring security. I want to help build Vantaa, which is safe for all it’s residents, both mentally and physically.
Especially this fall, hate speech, violent crimes and unrest in public places have increased. Uncertainty and fear seriously complicates the lives of individual residents and their loved ones. You can often hear from the words of residents , social media groups or news about disturbances and dangers in public places. These worrying cases should not be swept under the rug. These cases must be investigated and resolved together with the authorities in order to make sure that the cycle of recurrence ends. My Vantaa has lit and well-maintained streets, plowed roads and a place where it’s safe to move outside during night and day.
The livelihood, housing, and well-being of the residents of Vantaa are key security issues. Not a single resident of Vantaa should suffer from poverty or homelessness. We should make sure that quality help is available to everyone in need. The Council will influence these issues when we decide on affordable housing, safer urban planning and access to social and health care as a local service or as caregiving.
In addition to the safety and well-being of our residents , we should pay more attention to the safety and well-being of the environment and nature. These things are mutually supportive. Finnish nature and the four seasons are a great advantage both in Vantaa and throughout Finland. Let’s take good care of it. Vantaa’s decision-making should be viewed from the perspective of environmental friendliness, and the goals should not be weak, but ambitious. Natural disaster would be a security threat to our society as a whole. To resolve this Vantaa should be a pioneer in environmental issues. Climate change is also being combated in Vantaa. Read more about my municipality initiative: https://www.kuntalaisaloite.fi/fi/aloite/17020
My experience with safety and well-being issues has been gained through organizational activities and work experiences. As part of the coordinator’s work, I worked in the City of Vantaa’s safety planning steering group. In addition, I have acquainted myself with issues related to security in different organizations. As a former caregiver, I understand the uncertainty of everyday life.
I want to start building a safer Vantaa together with you, from the city council.
Safe city
- Safer streets, station areas and public spaces.
- Improve lighting and also ensure safe walking at night
- Making a security plan of Vantaa for (hybrid) threats
- Effective crisis assistance services for accidents and crises
- Eradicating hate speech from society
- Prevention of violent radicalization
- The suburb programs and the prevention of segregation should continue until the ideal state is reached.
- Safety is promoted through urban planning
- Anonymous form for residents to report security threats
Secure lifehood
- The social well-being and livelihood of Vantaa residents must be taken care of
- Helping people to get out of poverty with proper help and assistance
- Providing affordable living in Vantaa
- Providing social and health services as a local service or as home care.
Sustainable and safe habitat
- Protecting the diversity of our nature.
- Vantaa and it’s partners should commit to the set goals, e.g. Carbon neutrality.
- A climate emergency should be declared in Vantaa. Immediate action is needed to halt climate change to avoid consequent and potentially irreparable damage to the environment.
- Upkeeping natural reserve sites clean and natural
- Establishing more nature reserves to promote biodiversity
Care for elders and people with disabilities
- Our elders should have a right for quality care as they get older
- The role and benefits of the carers should be promoted and discussed together with the carers
- Quality services to support everyday life of people with disabilities.
- Constructing and renovating public places in Vantaa to be accessible for people with disabilities.
Financial security
- Strengthening the economical situation of Vantaa in a sustainable way by promoting regional employment and the number of jobs
- Focusing and supporting the municipal employment services, so that those with special needs get the help.
- Utilizing projects like Steppi.
- Providing long-time and stable support to investments and entrepreneurship for the vitality of Vantaa.
- Strengthening and increasing the Vantaa city’s sources of income
- Supporting the local actors
- Providing advice and support to entrepreneurs.
- Promoting startup culture and opportunities in Vantaa to implement innovations for the benefit of society.
In addition to my own views, I promote my party’s municipal elections platform.